1. Smiley face GDH 2002 : proceedings of the second International Symposium on the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Sum Rule by Anghinolfi M. Publication: Genova, Italy: World sciences, 2002 . 429 p: 24 cm. Date:2002 Availability: Copies available: VTT (1),
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2. Smiley face Catalogue généal 2000 by Catalogue généal 2000 Publication: Flammarion, 2000 . 288p. 19cm. Date:2000 Availability: No items available:
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3. Smiley face The first international conference on animal production and environment   Publication: Viet Nam Agricultural house 2012 . 867 p; 24 cm. Date:2012 Availability: Copies available: VTT (1),
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4. Smiley face Toán học và thống kê trong khoa học y tế (Mathematics and statistics in the health sciences) by Krickeberg, Klaus Publication: Hà Nội Y học 2017 . 410 tr. 27 cm Date:2017 Availability: Copies available: VTT (2),
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5. Smiley face Digital media Processing for multimedia interactive dervices by Ebroul Izquierdo Publication: London: World sciences, 2003 . 591 p: 24 cm. Date:2003 Availability: No items available:
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6. Smiley face Meson 2002 by Lucjan Jarczyk Publication: Cracow: World sciences, 2002 . 512 p: 24 cm. Date:2002 Availability: Copies available: VTT (1),
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7. Smiley face Frontiers of particle physics by Alexander I Studenikin Publication: Russia: World sciences, 2001 . 349 p. 24 cm. Date:2001 Availability: Copies available: VTT (1),
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Actions: Place Hold